Newspaper unknown
date unknown


       Mrs. I. F. Turner of Waco (nee Miss Frances Gaither of Chilton) had the first millinery store in Chilton in 1914.  She had such a prosperous year she took her profits and bought a Ford.  She was the first woman in Falls County to own her own car.  Her license cost her 50 cents and her license number was 616.
       She remembers that cars were still such a novelty that merchants would close their stores in order to take short rides to see what it was like to ride in the new contraptions.
       The story goes that the late Dr. Shankle tore down any number of fences, because when he first began to drive, his mind was so intent on the patient he was going to see, he would forget and yell "whoa!" to his Ford before he would remember that now he had to use a brake before he could stop.
